Why we raise our hands in church

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010

Why? It's such a simple yet powerful act of surrender. It was illustrated to me when one of my elderly patients, who had dementia, she loved to dance, but as she was rather old (>85 years old), she had weak legs and back, and could no longer dance on her own. When she saw me, she called to me and when I approached her, she had both her hands lifted up towards me, and she told me with large eyes saying

"Nigel, I want to dance, help me."

And that was like, bam, strong in my face, and the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, that's usually how Daddy God feels, when people lift up their hands to Him, calling to Him, and He'd start a new work in their lives. I danced with her that day, until she told me that she needed to rest, about 5 minutes later. And she promptly forgot to continue.

Yet, the lesson remained in my head, and He still reminds me.